Monday, September 21, 2009

Softbook Kit

One of the testing kits I gave out some time ago came back with pictures. Love that! This kit was made up by Nikki in Canada. I am so happy it worked well for her and it looks great. Thank you Nikki for sharing!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Where ya been?

My latest favourite from blogland is this adorable and fun blog by Dana. That's where I've spent all week. And of course going to Joann's to buy elastic thread!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Soft Book Variation

I am working on a new prototype for the soft book, and to add interest, I sewed some embroidered tags with the name of the animal on them. These attach with a small velcro tab to the page of the book. More fun or too busy?

Friday, September 11, 2009

Birthday Present

My daughter is going to a birthday party this weekend so I asked her what the little boy's favourite things were, she mentioned that he liked robots, so we decided to make him a robot t-shirt. I had a blank t-shirt that I had bought for just this purpose, and appliqued on in simple shapes, a robot. I cut the R out of his body, and used it to make a matching backpack tag. Since his name starts with R as well, it worked out perfectly. I hope he likes it...

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Shop Update

Being reunited with my sewing machine as fun too! New boo boo packs available in the shop. A preview of the animals in the new Black and White set.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My tree is wearing a brooch!

Did I tell you we visited the Handwork Center of Young India Project when we were there? Well, here's the result. I had made six cross stitch designs which I'm going to be making into brooches, necklaces, magnets, ear warmers, and all manners of small fun items. Here's the first, and I shall be showing you the rest as I make them. If you'd like to see them made into something specific, let me know and I shall do my best!

Monday, September 7, 2009


Finally my camera is back in action and I can share with you some of the lovely things we brought back from India. One of my favourites is this little 'hammock' or baby bassinet that I made for my daughter. It is a little cup made of leaves, and it is used as disposable utensils by roadside food vendors. It fits her little baby doll perfectly, and it is played with a lot, inside and out. The baby doll is handmade by this talented lady!