Wednesday, September 29, 2010

When two people love each other, they make a rainbow.

I overheard my daughter say this while playing with her friend! I thought it would make a great mobile for a baby's room...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thank you Ohdeedoh!

I got an email from Carrie of Ohdeedoh today, letting me know that Wee Gallery was featured on their blog today. What a fantastic write up, one of the best we've had. Thank you so much Carrie!

Monday, September 20, 2010


I am happy to announce the softbooks are here. All 450 of them. I can hardly believe it! Available for sale here.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I have mentioned many times that my daughters favorite is piggies. A friend of ours was in Europe over the summer and saw these piggy shaped gummies and guess who she had to get them for! Our after-school snack these days is Pigarina, who was created to counter the candy with some natural sugars...

Monday, September 6, 2010

FIve Minute Baby Shower Gift

I am always doing things last minute. Like looking for a baby shower gift (in addition to a box of wee gallery art cards) 1/2 an hour before we have to leave. This is one that came together sweetly. I found a vintage push toy in the shape of a whale, and a new American Apparel sustainable onesie in my stash called 'one day these will come in useful'. I cut out a simple blue whale shape and ironed it onto the onesie and voila! They went together as a set! I couldn't resist including a card saying "you are going to have a whale of a time with your little guy!"