Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Christmas Countdown Calendar

I really want to make one this year. My friend made one last year that had a mix of fun activities like playdates, picnics, and popcorn, as well as little treats. I loved it and the kids did too. My daughter has been asking if we will have one this year, and since I have not been showing much competence in that department, she decided to go ahead and start making one on her own...

Have you got a favorite?

Monday, November 28, 2011


After 5 years of working from our home office, we just moved into our new space in downtown St Petersburg! Here is a small peek, I will post more pics of our space once we have set up.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Stump Stools

"The shape of this stool tells the story of its production process and the materials its made of.
Inspired by tree stumps and their natural ring formations, this stool keeps it simple by rolling the material to its final shape."

This beautiful work (description and images too) is by designer Shir Atar.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Between the Folds

This was the scene at our house this morning after watching this documentary. If you have a Netflix account you can watch it there.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

LMNOP Magazine

Our tattoos spotted in the latest issue of LMNOP! All pics are from LMNOP magazine.

The Thanksgiving Discount code is now active on Facebook. Like us on Facebook to get to it!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Time to Stock Up

This is just a shout out to say one of my favorite online stores IsModern is having a sale - time to snap up some amazing items! All images are from their site.