Monday, May 18, 2009

Perfect Day

You know how some days go like clockwork? Well, yesterday we went kayaking in the morning, had a picnic lunch in the mangroves, came back exhausted, and while the kids played quietly downstairs I opened my factory and churned out 6 boo boo packs! I usually get bored making the same thing over and over again but somehow this was very satisfying. I think it's because I managed to finish what I started, and that's rare with 2 kiddies on the weekend.


  1. Hey, I know this place. We've been there to kayak couple of weeks ago and had a good time. BTW your products are gorgeous. Will drop by some of the local shops that carry your products to check them out.

  2. Thank you! Jackie and ???

    ??? - We went kayaking at Weedon Island - do you live in the area?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Yes, Weedon island by Gandy Bridge. We live in Brandon.

